Hi all,

I would like to build a base station with multi-standards (WiFi, GSM, WCDMA, 
etc.). For the first step, I want to build this base station based on OpenBTS 
and BBN 802.11 projects. The OpenBTS works well with USRP1 and people are 
making BBN 802.11 work with USRP2, so I want to connect one USRP1 and one USRP2 
to my host.
 I already read the wiki and the datasheets of the USRP1 and USRP2; however, I 
still have some questions and hope to get some hints from you guys, please!!

Is it possible to connect one USRP1 and one USRP2 to a single host PC at the 
same time? Any gnuradio examples that can help me to figure out how to do this?

If the USRP1 and the USRP2 can work on the same host at the same time, can the 
USRP1 and  the USRP2 work synchronously (can they have the same clock or common 
time reference?)?  Some discussions mentioned the synchronization of two USRP2, 
but I cannot find discussions about  synchronization of a USRP1 and a USRP2.

Thank you so much!


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