thanks Josh.
sorry for keep asking,
but I was wander that how do I update my GRC block only?
or do I have to download gnuradio whole package and
do the same process to update my GRC block

make && make check && make install

thanks and regards

On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 2:53 PM, Josh Blum <> wrote:
> hi tusear,
> I added the OFDM mod and demod to the "Modulators" category in the GRC gui.
> However, there are no OFDM examples for GRC.
> A quick loopback test to let you know that the blocks work:
> signal source -> ofdm mod -> ofdm demod -> throttle -> scope sink or fft
> sink
> Tushar Patel wrote:
>> Hi jose
>> I try to find out ofdm block but it want appear there.
>> May by I am looking at wrong place.
>> here the path where i looked
>> thanks for guidance

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