On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 11:25:17AM -0500, Douglas Geiger wrote:
> > The details on all of this still need to be flushed out, but this is
> > the basic idea.
> > 
> > To all:
> > 
> >   * Do you think that this would allow you to easily build MACs or other
> >     packet based things in GNU Radio?  Assume the USRP and USRP2 blocks
> >     are doing something sensible about the new attributes.
> > 
> >   * Do you think you could build what you desire on top of these extensions?
> > 
> >   * Any other comments, questions, yeah-but's...
> > 
> > Eric
> > 
>  I'm not working on MAC's at the moment (or more accurately, my work
> right is only concerned with receiving packets, not sending), but
> certainly being able to pass along the metadata would be a nice feature.
>  For the moment, I'm able to do what I want with my afore-mentioned
> custom source block (where only the source block has access to the
> timestamps), but I can see situations (in the future) in which I'd like
> to have that info passed along through the flowgraph.

Thanks for the data point.

>  I recall some discussion with the m-block's being concerned with the
> performance of the PMT data types - can you address that? Has that been
> resolved/can resolved via some technique/won't be an issue with next
> year's CPU's/etc.?

We've got some performance patches to apply and beyond that will do
what it takes to ensure good performance for the PMT types.


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