
I'm using GNURadio (from the svn repository) with OpenBTS and everything worked fine.
Now I did this procedure:
sudo make uninstall
sudo make distclean
svn update
make check
sudo make install

I got the trunk version 10680. Everything seemed to be okay.
Now I want to reinstall OpenBTS and an error occured that there isn't "libusrp".

I checked it with
# locate libusrp.so
and I get:

But I thought the files must be in
/usr/lib/ or
and I think OpenBTS will also try to search it in these library directories.

Was there a change in the last few weeks? I checked the repository of GNURadio, but I didn't find that there was a change so the created libusrp-files won't be copied to the library directory.

Could anyone help me?

- Fabian

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