On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 4:22 PM, Pablo Mendoza <pablomp_...@yahoo.es> wrote:
> Hi!
> I am trying to install the gnuradio in ubuntu 8.04, but i can't build grc
> application. when I use ./configure --with-boost=$BOOST_PREFIX --enable-grc
> the system return the following:
> ...
> Component gnuradio-examples passed configuration checks; building.
> checking for xdg-mime... true
> checking for Python >= 2.5... yes
> checking for Python Cheetah templates >= 2.0.0... yes
> checking for Python lxml wrappers >= 2.0.0... no
> checking for Python gtk wrappers >= 2.10.0... yes
> configure: error: Component grc has errors; stopping.
> Can someone say me where is the problem and wich is the dependecy that I
> have missed.

According to that, Python lxml wrappers is either not found or too old.

But I'm not an expert on GRC and if it truly is a requirement or not.


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