Sheng Liao wrote:
Hi Philip,

Sorry for the late reply. I am new in this field. Is it possible for you to explain more?

I've always thought it would be interesting to encapsulate a gnu radio
flow graph inside an SCA component. This would provide a rapid component
development environment for SCA waveform developers.

I'm very familiar with the SCA and OSSIE and know enough GNU Radio to be
dangerous. I strongly suspect you could create gnu radio blocks to adapt
the GNU Radio control and data interfaces to the SCA port structures. I
haven't had time to look into this, but I am pretty sure it could be
prototyped in a few weeks.


Sometimes I forget we aren't all native english speakers ...

Basically, I know more about the SCA than about GNU Radio. But I know enough about GNU Radio and make useful flow graphs and changes, but some of my work might not be as good as it could be :)

Hopefully, that makes more sense.


This would be an interesting exercise. At first I saw this as a way to
get around the old single threaded nature of GNU Radio, but the thread
per block scheduler resolved that issue in a much cleaner way. The rapid
prototyping for SCA waveform development is still very interesting.


Thank you,

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