Hi all,,
I read the [Discuss-gnuradio] and know that gr.hier_block is gone in current 
GNU Radio. 
I used the command: svn co https://www.cgran.org/cgran/projects/bbn_80211/trunk 
I checked out the bbn trunk and got the codes only have gr.hier_block. The 
codes have not been updated for 5 months. I am wondering if anyone maintains 
the codes? I browsed the source at the link 
https://www.cgran.org/browser/projects/bbn_80211/branches and found that  there 
is a usrp2_version which all files have been coverted to the hier_block2 
format. However, I only have USRP1s. Do I need to convert all the codes in the 
trunk from gr.hier_block to gr.hier_block2 by myself or I can just use the 
examples in the usrp2_version? Or I should buy USRP2s?
Thank you,

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