On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 11:24:00AM -0700, Smith L. wrote:
> I am using the same pick_bitrate.py file that is already provided in
> gnuradio. As it can be seen that both usrp systems have the default bit rate
> irrespective of whether it acts as receiver or transmitter. My concern is
> with the interpolation and decimation. Do I need to make changes to the
> pick_bitrate.py file for USRP2? If yes, then what kind of changes. I also
> observed that even though USRP2 shows a bit rate of 500kbps, however I
> believe that its transmitting too fast which does not allow USRP1 to receive
> correctly.I would greatly appreciate any help in this matter.

At a minimum, you will need to call pick_tx_bitrate and
pick_rx_bitrate providing proper rates for the ADC and DAC.  They
default to the values appropriate for the USRP1.  However, it looks
like you'll need a USRP2 version since they encode the acceptable
ranges for interpolation and decimation which are different between
the USRP1 and USRP2.


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