Hi,As suggested by you, I am now using the usrp_standard.h to implement USB
2.0 interface for Windows. However, I am facing a problem.

The function usrp_loads_standard_bits() in usrp_prims library loads the FX2
firmware by calling the following two functions:

In short are we trying to access the std.ihx firmware file by calling these
two functions? In Windows ofcourse my firmware would not be lying in the
directory specified by std_paths.h (/usr/local/share). Shall I change the
directory path in std_path.h library, to some path where I have downloaded
std.ihx myself? Also, I cannot use functions such as access (path, R_OK) in
Windows, because it is a function of unistd.h which is only available for
Unix/Linux. How should I go about this problem, so that the firmware can be
loaded into the FX2 through through Windows platform?


On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 7:35 AM, William Sherman <li...@ruby-forum.com>wrote:

> Hi.
> I am having a similar problem getting two USRPs to run on one computer
> on NetBSD. gnuradio can only run one USRP at a time. It can only run
> USRP #0 and when I create a usrp source/sink with which=1 it says
> "Unable to find USRP #1".
> Are you saying more needs to be done than specifying which=1?
> Where are these constructors mentioned:
> usrp_basic, usrp_basic_rx, usrp_basic_tx, usrp_standard,
> usrp_stardard_rx, usrp_standard_tx.
> I ran the gnuradio-examples multi_usrp_oscope.py as well. It also is
> "Unable to find USRP #1", so I think there is an incompatibility with
> gnuradio/NetBSD regarding multiple USRPs.
> --
> Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
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