> I can't replicate your results here on an Ubuntu 9.04 machine.
> There is only one actual assertDoubleEquals function in libcppunit,
> and it takes all five arguments.  The macro
> CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL that takes three arguments supplies the
> other two as defaults.  This has been the case on the default
> installation of libcppunit for Ubuntu 8.04, 8.10, and 9.04.  I'm
> trying to figure out how your libgnuradio-core-qa.so came to have a
> dynamic link to a version of the function with only four arguments.
> Has this specific source code tree been compiled before under a
> different environment? Can you do a 'make distclean' and try again
> (from the ./bootstrap step)?

I was working from the tarball, so this was a completely new source tree.
However, I think I found the culprit after some more digging. There was an
older version of cppunit hiding in /usr/local/lib (wasn't installed
through the package manager, so it escaped my attention for a while). The
build is still underway, but I am pretty sure this is the root cause.
Sorry about the false alarm!


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