Hi Eric,

Thanks for the answer.

It's hard to say.  If you've got a logic analyzer you can instrument
the inner loop of the firmware and see if that's the bottleneck or not.
Unfortunately, I don't have a access to a logic analyer :(

However, I made progress that I am going to share once it is tested and cleaned up.

Short summary:
When doing RX only, I am at 45 Mb/s (yes! decim=6 works without underruns). On the TX side, I can't get above 32.7 Mb/s. Now I suspect that this is a host side bottleneck. On the FX2, if using only one direction, I am setting the GPIF to loop infinitely. With GPIFABORT=0xFF to switch if the state changes. Hence there is no main loop left that could be a bottleneck. The TX state machine now consists of 2 states, where state one is the idle state, and state 2 transferring data (one word per clock, as before). The 8051 core is completely out of the data path. (Auto commit etc.)
Same for RX, except that a few more states were needed.

When RX and TX are needed, the firmware is still faster, though the same TX bottleneck appears (which is, of course, no big problem because we already share USB bandwidth).

Do you have, maybe, an idea why TX bandwidth is limited? Interestingly enough, 32.7 Mb/s is the limit on my computer and my notebook. Of course, I made the tx loop on the host as short as possible, set SCHED_FIFO and rtprio to 49, and played with fusb_nblock/size etc.


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