On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 03:02:20PM +0200, Boris Danev wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I want to ask if someone has tried the benchmark-rx.py/bencmark-tx.py  
> (gnuradio-examples/python/digital) in the the 3.1.3 realease with qpsk  
> modulation (-m dqpsk) for transfering user data? I connected 2 usrps  
> with an RF cable and two laptops (gnuradio 3.1.3 release).
> Using gmsk and dbpsk modulation seem to work more or less, even though  
> the receiver sometimes misses sent packets. However the dqpsk modulation  
> did not work at all. I am always getting garbage in the payload and ok =  
> false for the received packets if any. Also, many sent packets were not  
> received at all.
> Any comments or suggestions will be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
> Boris

We've fixed some bugs in the mpsk demod since 3.1.3.  You could either
try the trunk, or stay tuned for a few more days when we expect to
have the 3.2.0 release out.


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