Thanks for the pointers.

I had already put my RBF where the others are (/usr/share/usrp/rev4) and the
others (e.g. std_4rx_0tx.rbf) are working.
I fixed my file permissions, it is still not working, I was root anyway...

Other hypotheses : Newer version of Quartus, gnuradio not built on Windows
machine (only using fpga files in /usrp/fpga/...), std.ihx from same version
as the one used to compile verilog.

Thanks for your input


On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 1:08 PM, Sebastiaan Heunis <>wrote:

> Mark
> Have you made sure that the .rbf is in /usr/local/share/usrp/rev4?
> Also, I think that when you issue ls -l when you are in the directory
> containing the .rbf file, you should get:
> -rw-r--r-- usrp_std.rbf
> Sebastiaan
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