On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 04:26:24PM -0700, no wrote:
> I'm having some trouble using gnuradio with the USRP. I went through
> all the install steps on Ubuntu 9.04 correctly and set up the USRP
> with the BasicRX daughterboard connected to one of the antennas
> provided. Then I ran the usrp_wfm_rcv.py example as a test, but when
> I scan for radio stations I get an almost constant line with no
> peaks and the sound is always static noise. I can't seem to receive
> any fm radio stations, does anyone know what the problem is?

What kind of antenna do you have hooked up to the BasicRx?

Have you tried running 

  $ usrp_fft.py -d 8 -f 98M

It will show you signals visible in the FM band.

Note that the TVRX is a much better daughterboard to use for this task.


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