On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 7:35 AM, Martin DvH
<gnuradiom...@olifantasia.com> wrote:

>> * Elimination of the single-threaded flowgraph scheduler.  The
>> "thread-per-block" scheduler is already the default in 3.2.  While this
>> won't require any code changes, if you've been manually selecting the
>> STS via the environment, you won't be able to do this anymore.
> Is it really neccesary to remove this?

Not strictly necessary, no.  A lot of the new features in 3.3 will
impact the scheduler, especially the new message passing between
blocks.  It will be extra work to modify both schedulers.  This is
Eric's area, however, so I'll let him comment further.

>> * Migration of blks2 into C++.

> Will it be still possible to build your own python hierarchical blocks and 
> install them somewhere.?

Yes, of course.  To clarify the above, we're reimplementing a number
of our own Python hierarchical blocks that are in now in the blks2
namespace as C++ hierarchical blocks that will then be re-made
available to Python via SWIG in the gr namespace.  We're not removing
the ability to write hierarchical blocks in Python.  This mostly to
allow pure C++ API users to take advantage of them, such as the using
the digital packet radio capabilities we have.

As an example where we've already done this, we (well, Tom Rondeau)
migrated the blks2 channel model:


...into C++ here:



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