On Wed, 2009-07-01 at 05:27 -0400, Yu-Hua Yang wrote:
> Thank you very much for your reply. I have some more questions. I
> understand you wont be looking/updating this branch anymore due to the
> release of OpenCL, but thanks for helping right now!
> Before you dive in, one thing I am having concerns is this output that
> happens every time I run CUDA-enable code:
> gr_vmcircbuf_cuda::copy_buf_to_buf() error cudaMemcpy() returned 0x3 =
> 3 initialization error
> gr_vmcircbuf_cuda::copy_buf_to_buf recreating buffer d_base=0x3820000
> size=32768 *2 
If I remember well, this error is not a problem if you get it once per
instantiated CUDA block.

It is a problem if you get it multiple times for the same block.

If I remember well, this has to do with CUDA not being happy with
multithreaded applications and access to the same device buffer from
different host-threads.

Gnuradio using cuda should always use the single-threaded scheduler.
(This is not the default)
I don't remember if my code does this automatically or if you have to
force it using an environment variable.
( you can select the
scheduler used at runtime by setting the GR_SCHEDULER environment
variable.  E.g., 
multithreaded Thread-Per-Block scheduler
  $ GR_SCHEDULER=TPB ./my-gnuradio-application.py ...

  $ GR_SCHEDULER=STS ./my-gnuradio-application.py ...

If you have to use the environment variable, then this should go into
the gnuradio-CUDA docs (if it is not already there).

> Are these 2 outputs normal? Are they suppose to happen? If not, how do
> I fix this?
> 2009/6/30 Martin DvH <gnuradiom...@olifantasia.com>
>         On Tue, 2009-06-30 at 02:52 -0400, Yu-Hua Yang wrote:
>         > Upon a closer look into cuda_muiltiply_const_ff_kernel.cu,
>         there
>         > exists 5 different kernel functions to do the
>         multiplication, where
>         > the default one,
>         >
>         >          __global__ void
>         >         cuda_multiply_const_ff_kernel(const float* g_idata,
>         float*
>         >         g_odata,const int noutput_items,const float konst)
>         >
>         > is completely blank. But regardless, nobody calls these
>         kernel
>         > functions.
>         cuda_multiply_const_ff was never finished or I accidently
>         removed some
>         code here.
>         Either way, this is clearly a bug.
>         The empty kernel should call one of the implemented kernels.
>         > Then, in the same file, which is called by
>         cuda_multiply_const_ff.cc,
>         > in this function
>         >
>         >         int
>         >         get_cuda_multiply_const_ff_kernel_params
>         >         ( cuda_multiply_const_ff_kernel_params *params )
>         >         {
>         >           int result=0;
>         >           //const unsigned int max_num_threads_per_block  =
>         >         MAX_NUM_THREADS_ALL;   //can use the maximum number
>         of threads
>         >         if wanted
>         >           //unsigned int max_num_blocks         =
>         >
>         >           unsigned int num_blocks=4096 ;// =
>         >         gridDim.x;
>           //NUM_CUDABLOCKS
>         >           unsigned int num_threads_per_block=512;//  =
>         >         blockDim.x;                     //NUM_THREADS;
>         >           unsigned int
>         num_outputs_per_block=num_threads_per_block;
>         >
>         >           const unsigned int num_outputs_per_grid=
>         >         num_outputs_per_block*num_blocks;
>          //(blockDim.x)*gridDim.x
>         >
>         >           size_t dynamic_shared_mem_size =
>         >
>         0;//256*sizeof(float);//0;//num_threads_per_block*sizeof(gr_complex);
>         >           dim3  griddim( num_blocks, 1, 1);
>         >           dim3  threaddim( num_threads_per_block, 1, 1);
>         >
>         >           params->griddim=griddim;
>         >           params->threaddim=threaddim;
>         >
>         params->dynamic_shared_mem_size=dynamic_shared_mem_size;
>         >           params->num_outputs_padded=num_outputs_per_grid;
>         >           params->num_inputs_padded=num_outputs_per_grid;
>         >
>         params->num_inputs=0;//num_outputs_per_grid;//num_outputs;
>         >
>         params->num_outputs=0;//num_outputs_per_grid;//num_outputs;
>         >
>         >           //Now you can do the kernel invocation like this:
>         >           //cuda_multiply_const_ff_filter_kernel<<<
>         params->griddim,
>         >         params->threaddim, params->dynamic_shared_mem_size
>         >         >>>(g_idata, g_odata,
>          params->num_outputs_padded*X,konst);
>         >           return result;
>         >         }
>         >
>         > The kernel invocation is completely commented out! The
>         result is
>         > initialized as 0 at the top and returns it. All the work in
>         between to
>         > specify and allocate thread, block sizes does not seem to
>         matter. Not
>         > sure why this code exists this way, did someone make an edit
>         or did
>         > Martin specifically commented out the kernel invocation?
>         Yes the kernel invocation is specifically commented out.
>         The commented out kernel invocation  is only here as
>         documentation on
>         how to do the actual kernel invocation.
>         There is still a small typo.
>         It should refer to cuda_multiply_const_ff_kernel and not
>         cuda_multiply_const_ff_filter_kernel
>         This methods name is get_cuda_multiply_const_ff_kernel_params
>         It does just that, determine the needed params for the kernel
>         invocation.
>         The actual kernel invocation is done in:
>         cuda_multiply_const_ff_work_device
>         Both get_cuda_multiply_const_ff_kernel_params and
>         cuda_multiply_const_ff_work_device are called from normal C++
>         code in
>         cuda_multiply_const_ff_kernel.cu
> Here you mean called by cuda_multiply_const_ff.cc right? the kernel
> itself seems to just define the kernel functions and everything is
> called by cuda_multiply_const_ff.cc, maybe I am wrong because this
> leads me to my question which is, where in cuda_multiply_const_ff
> calls cuda_multiply_const_ff_work_device? doesn't seem like it does
> but maybe its some OOP process that I missed...anyways...not that
> important at the moment....
>         Better examples to look at and benchmark would be
>         cuda_quadrature_demod_cuda_cf
>         cuda_fir_filter_fff
>         These are both used in
>         testbed/wfm/cuda_wfm_rcv.py
>         Which calls the complete cuda implementation of a WFM receiver
>         in
>         cuda_wfm_rcv_cuda.py
>         You will notice  a cuda_multiply_const_ff block is
>         instantiated as
>         volume_control but not used in the final connect because it
>         didn't work.
>         Now I know this is because of the bug you found.
>         >  Is this suppose to be this way? I don't see how this can be
>         a proper
>         > benchmarking if it seems that we just test about allocating
>         threads
>         > and blocks on the device and memory access times, but really
>         don't do
>         > any computation.
>         That is not a good benchmark indeed.
>         cuda_multiply_const_ff should be fixed first.
>         The fir-filter is however the thing you really want to
>         benchmark.
>         (Which is also in there)
>         The more taps the fir-filter has, the more computations it
>         will have to
>         make.
>         Note that the cuda implementation is at the moment limited in
>         the number
>         of taps it can support at a certain decimation factor.
>         If I remember well decimationfactor*numberoftaps should stay
>         below 2048
>         (or was it 512)
>         Ways of improving the resuls include having gnuradio do
>         calculations in
>         bigger chunks.
>         This can be done in several ways.
>         One way is to have a block at the end of the processing chain
>         which has
>         a large output_multiple requirement which needs 1 input for
>         every
>         output.
>         In other words. Connect a block to the end of the processing
>         chain which
>         has set_output_multiple(large_number) in its constructor.
>         You can use gr_test for this.
> I decided to abandon and comment out all the cuda.multiply_const_ff
> function calls and concentrate on cuda.fir_filter_fff as suggested.
> Things I got questions/concerns
> 1. I increased output_multiple by doing "options.output_multiple =
> xxx" and this has no effect on the computing time of either CUDA or
> CPU. Did I do something wrong?
> 2.  I increased the taps by doing "taps = range(1,256)" and also
> increasing number of blocks of fir_filter in the code and voila, I am
> now able to get CUDA to be faster than just CPU. However, if I
> implement something like "taps = range(1,512)" the CUDA part would be
> extremely slow (~20 seconds) while the CPU is still cool (~ 2 sec).
> Why? But this maybe related to what you were saying about max number
> of taps...although why is CPU able to still compute?
> 3. I had to increase the number of fir_filter blocks to 14 blocks
> before I can start seeing CUDA out-perform CPU. Experimentally its
> fine, I achieved my objective, but how is this "increased computation"
> justified in a normal GNURadio operation? I mean, when would a normal
> GNURadio operation require a chain of 14 fir_filters? I guess this is
> going beyond just "benchmarking" and asking where else can I take
> advantage of CUDA's computation power in GNURadio in a "normal"
> operation?
> 4. Looking at cuda_fir_fff_7_kernel, which I believe is the core of
> cuda_fir_filter, it seems you are using shared memory right? Just
> making sure we are not using global or local memory which would
> disastrously slow down the CUDA computations. 
>         There are other ways which include changing the scheduler and
>         the buffer
>         instantiating code.
> I rather not pursue these ways because of the increased complexity. I
> rather increase computation, seems fastest/easiest to me, just not
> sure where. 
>         I hope this helps,
>         Martin
> It has been most helpful! Thank you again! 
>         > I am probably way off here, doesnt make any
>         sense......someone please
>         > clarify!
>         >
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