The current implementation:


I am trying to send various commands to a UAV. The system uses a file
source, packet encoder, dpsk modulator, throttle, multiply by constant,
and USRP sink using RFX400 daughter boards.  The flow graph
(connections) happen in the order stated. 


If the flow graph is already running using Auto T/R so that when I
finish sending a single command packet the USRP stops transmitting a
carrier, how do I send more data over the same flow graph without
restarting it? I have been searching for 3 days in an attempt to find a
functional solution for this. 


Basically what I need to happen is:

A.       Either I edit the file used in the file source and then "jump
start" the flow graph to re-read the file source and repeat the
operational data path without actually  stopping and restarting it.

B.      Send the data directly to the packet encoder inside the flow
graph such that it follows the same operational path as the original
file source data so that the result is the same and the data is
packetized, modulated, and sent out through the USRP.

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