sorry for previous mistake

2009/8/12 Vincenzo Pellegrini <>:
> Hi Matt,
> here are the links to the old stuff:
> the article at the Karlsruhe conference
> the demo there
> an ofdm file ready to be sent over the air with gr and the usrp
> some new demo stuff, that is soft-dvb within a new sdr framework of my own,
> a modified version of ffmpeg, a smart buffer to make ffmpeg's output
> CBR, an UDP/IP encapsulation layer and other stuff that I did to be
> able to implement an entire tv broadcasting station in pure software
> over 1 or 2 host PCs
> this instead is the DVB-T receiver project ( 8MHz channel over the
> USRP 1!!) that I'm doing at Pisa University with some Master Thesis
> studentas that are working with me
> the receiver works pretty good but it is now still far from realtime.
> We have reasonable hopes to take it to realtime on ordinary COTS HW.
> Sourcecode of soft-dvb is not currently available as I'm evaluating
> possibilities for some commercial usage of it, within the independent
> framework. Still I believe that resources like these.. especially
> signal dumps can be of soime use to the gnuradio project.
> I'm now testing the whole thing over the usrp2..
> regards
> vincenzo
> 2009/8/11 Matt Ettus <>
>> I know that Vincenzo Pellegrini (and possibly others) had a working DVB-T 
>> implementation for GNU Radio, but all the links I find are dead. Can someone 
>> point me to the latest code or web page?
>> Thanks,
>> Matt
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> Vincenzo Pellegrini

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