
I've been looking at the USRP2 filter characteristics, to see if it will work for me. After going through the half-band filter code (hb_dec.v from gnu-radio 3.2) I understand what the filter coefficients are, but I have
a question about the output from this module.

Near the end of the module the filtered data is clipped and rounded in lines 152-153:

143     wire [ACCWIDTH:0]     final_sum_unrounded;
149     add2_reg /* add2_and_round_reg */ #(.WIDTH(ACCWIDTH+1))
150 final_adder (.clk(clk), .in1({acc_out,1'b0}), .in2({data_even_signext,1'b0}), .sum(final_sum_unrounded));
152     round_reg #(.bits_in(ACCWIDTH-4),.bits_out(OWIDTH))
153 final_round (.clk(clk),.in(final_sum_unrounded[ACCWIDTH-5:0]),.out(final_sum));

where ACCWIDTH = 24
and     OWIDTH = 18

and the module round_reg just calls round and puts the result in a register, and round.v is
     module round
#(parameter bits_in=0, // for this instantiation, bits_in = ACCWIDTH-4 = 20 parameter bits_out=0) // for this instantiation, bits_out = OWIDTH = 18
        (input [bits_in-1:0] in,
         output [bits_out-1:0] out);

assign out = in[bits_in-1:bits_in-bits_out] + (in[bits_in-1] & |in[bits_in-bits_out-1:0]); endmodule // round

It looks to me like final_sum_unrounded is 25-bits long, so the input to final_round is the 20 LSBs of final_sum_unrounded (final_sum_unrounded[19:0]), and the output final_sum is those 20 bits rounded to 18 bits in the usual way. But this data is two's complement, so clipping the 5 MSBs from final_sum_unrounded can drasticaly change the data value, for example changing both the sign and
magnitude, even when the magnitude of final_sum_unrounded  <  2^17.

What am I missing here?


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