
> From: Josh Blum <j...@joshknows.com>
> >>
> >>> Please pull from http://gnuradio.org/git/eb.git u2-hang
> >> This has been merged into the master branch.
> >>
> >> Johnathan
> > 
> > svn trunk ?
> > 
> The svn trunk has been unofficially deprecated since august third.
> http://www.mail-archive.com/discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org/msg20442.html
> -Josh

At Third  August, Jonathan wrote :

We are using the git-svn gateway to mirror Subversion trunk commits
into the the above repository, and any git commits we manually push
into the above repository will become check-ins back into the
Subversion trunk.  (This process is working but does not yet operate

I think the process is still not working. So, how we will know how 
(for example) Eric solved USRP2 stop problem? What were the 
modifications and on what files ? 

Any suggestions or help ?

How to browse git files and modifications ? I dont see it in the Wiki pages.

Best Regards,


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