Li Mei-Wen wrote:

When I building a Full GNU Radio System ( on windows)

$ cd gnuradio-3.2
$ ./configure

I get following error message.....

And I saw the other discuss,

I also did the "./configure --prefix=$BOOST_PREFIX --with-libraries=thread,date_time,program_options" on boost_1_36_0..

In the above in "boost 1.36 on Cygwin" it is mentioned,"$ ./configure --with-libraries=thread,date_time"for the configure command. But while configuring I ended up with the following errorconfigure: error: Could not link against libboost_program_options!The solution to this problem is to use the following as a configure cmd."$ ./configure --prefix=$BOOST_PREFIX --with-libraries=thread,date_time,program_options"

But had the same error message...

Did you repeat the "make", "make install", and "cp" steps for installing boost? Are the libboost_program_options files listed when you do "ls /usr/local/lib/*boost*"?

-- Don W.

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