On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 1:50 PM, Jane Chen <janechen_1...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I would like to send a MAC layer control packet every 4 ms from computer A
> to computer B to tell B when to send data using USRP and GNU Radio.  It is
> like TDMA and a frame is 4 ms. I am trying to do this work by modifying
> tunnel.py in the gnuradio-example folder. I removed the carry sensing part
> and added the control packet in the tunnel.py.
> I enabled the real-time scheduling. I set nice= -18, fusb_block_size = 512,
> fusb_nblocks  = 2, modulation=gmsk, and bitrate =1Mb/sec.
> OS:
> CPU: 2.8 GHz
> Gnuradio: (latest development code 3.2.X)
> I used two computers and ran the modified tunnel.py on each computer. For
> the test, in the main_loop (main loop for MAC) of tunnel.py I generated one
> byte payload ( I sent the one byte payload chr(0x00) for 10 times)  to print
> the tx time on one computer and rx time on anther computer. I used software
> to make two computers have the same system time. The tx time (at computer A)
> – rx time (at computer B) of the payload is about 5ms. I am wondering why it
> takes so long to send one byte payload and to decode the one byte payload.
>  Through the test, I think I cannot implement a TDMA that a frame is 4 ms. I
> have tried what I can do to reduce the (tx time – rx time) value. However,
> no luck. Could anyone please give me some hints? Should I just give up this
> way and try to use the in-band singalling? Any suggestions will be greatly
> appreciated!!
Hi Jane,

I published a paper on this issue:

If you read it, you will understand all of the latencies involved and why
your turnaround time is so high.  We propose mechanisms to overcome these
challenges in the GNU Radio / USRP architecture, and built code to support
it, but it was decided that the new blocks that our code uses are no longer
going to be supported by GNU Radio.  So, our code in summary does not work
with GNU Radio now.  But, maybe you can apply some of the techniques we
mention to achieve what you want.

- George
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