Ah! The 10MHz was coming out the back of the siggen so would have been
locked to the same reference.

Thanks for your help Doug/Matt -- next time I'll stop and think through my
test setup!



On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 6:16 PM, Matt Ettus <m...@ettus.com> wrote:

> Tim Pearce wrote:
>>    There is no frequency which can be received by both the BasicRX and
>>    the DBSRX.  What frequency are you putting in?  What frequency are
>>    you telling the USRP2s to tune to?
>>    Matt
>> Hi,
>> Sorry I probably confused things by mentioning the BasicRX
>> DBSRX is the only receiver we have 2 of at the moment so I was testing
>> with a 2 GHz Sine wave, tuning the USRP2 to 2GHz and setting decim to 50.
>> The problem was seen on both usrp2's after enabling the 10MHz ref lock.
> When you lock the reference of the USRP2, it will be exactly on 2 GHz. So
> if you put in a 2 GHz sine wave which is also locked to the same reference
> or locked to something very close, it will also be at exactly 2 GHz.  Thus,
> when it is downconverted to baseband, it will be at DC, and will be removed
> by the DC offset correction.  Everything is functioning exactly as it
> should.
>  Before enabling the ref lock the sine wave appeared on the oscilloscope as
>> expected.
> That is because without the ref lock you will have some frequency error,
> and the signal won't be on exactly 2 GHz.
>> I tried one USRP2 with the BasicRX just to check the same problem was
>> appearing -- a 25MHz and 150MHz signal were tested (same decim and tuning to
>> the frequency the sig gen is generating on). Both frequencies looked correct
>> on the scope sink until the program was run with the clock locked to the
>> reference in. - the symptom was slightly different (appearing as a DC signal
>> rather than noise) which is why I mentioned.
> The BasicRX has no DC offset correction, so you will see a DC level, which
> is exactly what you are asking for.
> I think that what you really want is to tune the USRP2 and the sig gen to
> different frequencies.
> Matt
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