Ilkyoung Kwoun-

> Thank you for your advice. Actually I am aware of basic characteristics of
> half band filter. It is very well explained in Rick Ryon's "Understanding
> Digital Signal Processing (2nd Ed.)" (
>  )
> The thing I do not have any clue is the 'inner' and 'outer' coefficient
> things in FIR filter. I guess this is something related to the practical
> implementation issue rather than the fundamental concept. I did a simple
> googling yesterday and found a paper. (
> I hope I can find a way to get started.  :-)

Here is a Hypersignal log-magnitude plot showing the frequency response of the 
two halfband filters (31-tap in blue,
7-tap in red):

In the plots I used an arbitrary sampling rate of 25 MHz -- don't know what 
you're using.  Note that both filters have
an approx -6 dB point at Fs/4 as would be expected due to halfband symmetry 

As for "inner and outer" mention in the Verilog code, I might guess that refers 
to 2 multiplies needed when filtering
a complex signal.  As for why there are two (2) filters, one is used for higher 
rate up/down conversions and the other
for lower rate.  Firas' documentation has some information on this... also here 
is Q&A exchange between Firas and Matt
that might help you out:


> 2009/11/10 Sebastiaan Heunis <>
>> Hi
>> I think Brian is just referring to the fact that you can see that the
>> HBFs are implemented as symmetric FIR filters (the coefficients).  A
>> HBF is just a special filter that is designed so that the cutoff
>> frequency will always be at fs/2, so if you filter with it and
>> decimate by 2 afterwards (which is why you would use an HBF), you
>> don't get aliasing.  Also, the decimation in the CIC filters can be
>> set to a wide range of values, so the HBF will always have to cut at
>> fs/2 regardless of the decimation in the CIC.  From what I've read,
>> Goodman and Carey came up with them so you can probably look for some
>> papers if you're interested.
>> Sebastiaan
>> --
>> Sebastiaan Heunis
>> Radar Remote Sensing Group, University of Cape Town, South Africa
>> Tel:  +27 72 950 9370
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