
Thanks I'll try this. Googling a bit more I think fwrite has to be thread
safe, I'll double check my setup again and have another think if this
doesn't help.



On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 7:17 PM, Doug Geiger <>wrote:

> Tim Pearce wrote:
>> Hi Guys,
>> After experimenting a bit more I think the issue was my test setup.
>> Previously I was using python to setup a USRP Source (with timestamps) and
>> save both the samples (64 bit) and timestamps (32bit) to a file sink to
>> process by importing with numpy and checking timestamps later.
>> At 25MHz thats ~ 300MB/sec of data, which is substantially more than
>> machines disk, which is probably about 20MB/sec max.
> Don't have a good answer on the thread-safety question - but one method
> I've used when I want to collect a bunch of data for a limited period of
> time is mount a ram disk/tmpfs. E.g. I'd do something like:
> $ mkdir /tmp/shm
> $ sudo mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /tmp/shm
> $ usrp2_rx_cfile -e <interface> -f <frequency> -N <big number here>
> /tmp/shm/data.dat
>  Cheers,
>> Tim
> Doug
> --
> Douglas Geiger
> Code 5545
> U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
> Washington, DC 20375
> (202) 767-9048
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