hi juha,

the error dissapeared when i ran the examples withouth using sudo, but as plain user.
i was alse having problems as root. So just try as user.

im having other errors related to some python libs and the size/scale of the objetcs to be displayed inside the windows that dissapear in the sides and is impossible to scroll to them, since there is no scroll on the created windows..

i will try to open more specific threads later today.


On Dec 7, 2009, at 6:58 AM, Juha Vierinen wrote:

I'm also having similar issues. What does "remove all traces" mean
exactly? Does someone have a script for doing this?


On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 19:45,  <al...@riseup.net> wrote:

i've read the archives and i read Eric B suggesting one should:

"remove all traces of GNU Radio from /usr/local,then remake and install a
known version (from svn or a tarball)."

I just did that twice with the latest 2 revs 11665 and 11664 but im still
trapped by:

libgnuradio-usrp.so.0: undefined symbol: _ZN7db_base4dbidEv

could anyone tell me what else to try, im right now under Ubuntu karmic
but will reboot under gentoo in a moment.

Thx for any tip,

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