On Tue, Jan 05, 2010 at 02:17:31PM +0100, Juan Ramon Gutierrez Agullo wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm testing the grc tool and I have some questions about it:
> Is it possible to get a grc project from the code? I mean, if I create a
> graphical flow-graph with grc, the program generates a 'top_block file'.
> Is it possible the opposite, from a top_block file, obtain a grc
> project?

If by "Is it possible?" you mean "Is it possible?"  The answer is
yes, it's possible.  If you mean, "Has somebody already done the
work to convert an arbitrary flowgraph into an equivalent grc
representation?" the answer is no.

> If I create a new block, can I import it to grc? I've looking the
> program but I don't know how to do it. Maybe should I've to put the
> block in a 'special folder'?

Please try using google.  This has been discussed several times on
this mailing list.


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