Dear all.

We are trying to setup a MIMO node using a USRP motherboard and two
xcvr2450. Theoretically the maximum allowable transmission bandwidth when
using two antennas simultaneously is 4 MHz or 8 MHz if using a single
antenna (limited by the bandwidth of the USB port). However, we have seen
that the maximum affordable aliasing free bandwidth is approximately 2 MHz
due to the poor antialiasing performance of these filters. As we need more
bandwidth, the question is: Do you think it could be possible to put a
better interpolation filter that fits into the FPGA while mantaining two
transmission and reception chains?

Related improvements are already done:

The problem is that this modification resource usage is about 96% and only
one receive and transmit chains are enabled, thus, losing MIMO capabilities.
For maximum bandwidth we think that fixing the total interpolation rate to
32 (supressing the CIC filters) and doing a better (but resource expensive)
filtering could be a solution.

Thanks in advance

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