Doug Geiger <> writes:

> As far as my understanding goes, there is not a complete
> implementation of the 802.11b-spec MAC. The files you've found are, to
> the best of my knowledge, the only released code out there
> implementing a partial MAC (i.e. it performs some carrier-sensing
> functions in an attempt to avoid collisions), but I don't believe
> anyone has a real, compliant MAC working (or at least has not released
> one to the world). In particular, I think making the timing
> requirements of the SIFS and DIFS would be extremely difficult to
> achieve, although I don't know if anyone has performed any in-depth
> latency measurements with the USRP2 as has been done with the USRP1.

We have released all the code we wrote for gnuradio/802.11, so there's
nothing else out there to get.  I never expected us to be able to deal
with DIFS/SIFS with the USRP.

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