On 02/05/2010 08:17 PM, Don Fanning wrote:
> Good for you to support the project at an early stage.  But what
> happens when your project won't fit into the square form factor?  What
> if you have this great idea but can only fit into the form factor of
> say a cell phone... then what?   I'm not the only one with the same
> idea... Look at the beagleboard guys doing their USRP work. 
Then you take the schematic-capture and BOM files (which are hard to get
at the moment,
  I'll give you). You run the auto-routing, which, in my experience,
takes care of 85-95% of
  the task, and you have a board layout in your new "squeezed" format. 
In fact, the existing
  PCB files are nearly-useless for taking the existing layout and
squeezing it into a new form
  factor--particularly one as dramatic as the existing square board and
packing into a
  cellphone format. There'll be virtually 100% "rip-up and re-route".
>> Seems to me that the only people really affected by such a decision are
>> those who want to put
>>   *zero* effort into exact-cloning his work.   If the *real* reason is
>> that you want to "integrate pieces of
>>   the design into your own product", then *everything* you need is
>> already openly available.
>>   Implying otherwise is disingenuous in the extreme.
> I give Matt major props for developing the hardware, I really do...
> The rest of you are just appliance users.
What a lovely "appliance" it is, too.  But really?  The *dozens* of core
developers of Gnu Radio who've
  built an entire eco-system around USRP1/2?  They're "just appliance
users"?   Oh yeah, right.
  Hardware is hard, and software is easy.

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