On 09.02.2010, 05:26 Johnathan Corgan <jcor...@corganenterprises.com> wrote:

> On Tue, 2010-02-09 at 03:01 +0100, Markus Kern wrote:

>> Great choice! I have used the USRP to receive NOAA APT signals before
>> (with one of Jerry's antenna designs it seems, incidentally). Very
>> curious what he is going to do with it :)

> BTW, the (newish) gr-noaa component in GNU Radio can receive and
> demodulate the AVHRR/HRPT 1.1 km/pixel telemetry from NOAA POES
> spacecraft.  There is a crude Matlab/Octave rasterizer script to turn
> the telemetry into B&W PNG files for each imaging channel, or the output
> can be read directly into a commercial HRPT rendering program like
> HRPTreader for more sophisticated false color image generation.

That looks impressive! Is there any documentation on the RF front end
you used? Can the DBSRX be used directly with a suitable antenna?


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