Hi Ed - Thanks for the feedback, it's useful; I don't mind being wrong! I'll have to set up my Mac to do multi-boot (10.5 and 10.6) in order to further test this issue out. That said, the kernel bit-tage doesn't really matter since it's the compiler that determines the applications bit-tage. My guess is that, just like under 10.5, one can compile and execute 64-bit applications ... but under 10.5, 32-bit was the default while under 10.6, 64-bit is the default. !...@#$% Apple for making all of this so %$#! complex ... I guess that's *&^% progress; not that I'm giving Linux cudos here for making the 32/64 bit "easy" .... I'll see if I can put some changes into the wxgui portfile so that it disallows 64-bit compiling for now, since that seems to be the common factor in the feedback I've received and in my testing. - MLD

On Feb 12, 2010, at 10:00 AM, Ed Criscuolo wrote:
Looks like you're wrong.  I checked in system profiler, and under the
software tab it shows

   64-bit Kernel and Extensions:        No
   Time since boot:     3 days 11:34

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