Very, very useful, thanks for sharing Martin.


On 17 March 2010 14:40, Martin DvH <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I wrote two gnuradio AFC (Automatic Frequency Control) demos
> This AFC technique can come in handy when your tuning is critical and
> there is a frequency offset or doppler shift to be expected.
> (Like when trying to receive NOAA weather satelites which can have a
> substancial doppler shift. I am also working on an updated gr-noaa
> receive script which uses this AFC. )
> There is a broadcast FM demo and a NOAA weathersatellite narrowband FM
> simulation demo.
> You can discuss and give feedback on the gnuradio AFC demo's here:
> (But feedback on the gnuradio mailinglist is also OK of course)
> You can read about and download the gnuradio AFC demo's here:
> Here follows the README:
> Gnuradio AFC demo's
> This directory contains gnuradio GRC and python example scripts for
> using AFC in an FM receiver.
> There is not (yet) a AFC gnuradio block.
> So these examples implement the AFC by lowpass filtering the FM
> demodulator output and putting the result in a variable sink.
> The variable sink then sets the center frequency of the frequency
> translating channel filter.
> This compensates any frequency offset or doppler drift.
> To limit the performance penalty of calling python code from the
> samplestream, the code is only called once a second.
> The critical settings of this feedback loop are:
> AFC_gain (float)
> AFC_IIR_alpha (float)
> AFC_update_rate (float value: seconds between updates)
> If you want to use this for a different FM signal type also make sure
> you set the right channel_bandwidth and max_dev (=Maximum FM frequency
> deviation in Hertz)
> Have fun
> 17 Mar 2010
> Martin Dudok van Heel
> Olifantasia
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