On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 10:05 AM, Martin Braun <martin.br...@kit.edu> wrote:
> Hi,
> we've done some work to our 'Spectral Estimation Toolbox' and added
> Burg's algorithm for spectral estimation. It's all on CGRAN, see
> https://www.cgran.org/wiki/SpecEst
> Things aren't 100% perfect, probably due to the high number of
> multiplications numerical accuracy is sometimes a bit off when compared
> to Matlab and Octave (which are quite different themselves!), but it
> works nicely so far when all you want to do is estimate spectra.
> One of our students rigged a demo in which a narrow-band signal was
> nicely tracked by the algorithm; I'll hopefully add that soon along with
> GRC bindings.

This is good stuff; thanks for sharing!

If you don't mind, I am curious of your experience of the Burg versus
Welch implementation and results - which do you prefer?  It looks like
Burg translates to frequency domain first, and Welch stays in the time
domain?  Any idea how much of the bandwidth can be occupied before the
algorithms are not relatively accurate anymore?  In the presence
high-noise, are the algorithms still able to detect the tones in your
current setup?

Sorry for all the questions, but this is very interesting!

Again, thanks for sharing.


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