If we had an fpga image that allowed us to store samples on the USRP2 that would be very benefitial, at least for me. Then one could test algorithms with 100MHz sample-rate. Yes, it would not be possible to use the channel continously. Receiving 1ms of samples would take 4ms to upload. However, using the time-stamp functionality one can synchronize nodes to transmit and receive at the same time and thereby enable testing e.g. interference rejection algorithms.

We have an FPGA-based platform for channel sounding and signal reception at 100MHz with requirements similar to the one you've described. We're willing to release the code (FPGA and host-side) if there's interest in porting it over to the USRP hardware and the gnuradio project.

As a sidenote, we are also in the process of implementing a gnuradio API anticipated to be working in the next month or so. We'll be making it public in the next couple of weeks and would appreciate input.


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