Alright well, it looks like it needs fixing. I cant look at this until
sunday. Thanks for finding the problem! -Josh

On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 1:24 AM, Christian Rohlfing
<> wrote:
> I fetched the gnuradio code yesterday and installed it on Ubuntu 9.10. It's
> the only gnuradio install.
> Here are the generated .py and .py.xml files and the .grc-file:
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> ##################################################
> # Gnuradio Python Flow Graph
> # Title: testhierblock
> # Generated: Fri Apr  9 01:43:43 2010
> ##################################################
> from gnuradio import gr
> from import firdes
> class testhierblock(gr.hier_block2):
> def __init__(self):
> gr.hier_block2.__init__(
> self, "testhierblock",
> gr.io_signaturev(2, 2, [gr.sizeof_gr_complex*1, gr.sizeof_gr_complex*1]),
> gr.io_signaturev(2, 2, [gr.sizeof_gr_complex*1, gr.sizeof_gr_complex*1]),
> )
> ##################################################
> # Variables
> ##################################################
> self.samp_rate = samp_rate = 32000
> ##################################################
> # Blocks
> ##################################################
> ##################################################
> # Connections
> ##################################################
> self.connect((self, 0), (self, 0))
> self.connect((self, 0), (self, 0))
> def set_samp_rate(self, samp_rate):
> self.samp_rate = samp_rate
> <?xml version='1.0' encoding='ASCII'?>
> <block>
>   <name>testhierblock</name>
>   <key>testhierblock</key>
>   <category>Custom</category>
>   <import>execfile("/home/christian/.grc_gnuradio/")</import>
>   <make>testhierblock()</make>
>   <sink>
>     <name>in</name>
>     <type>complex</type>
>     <vlen>1</vlen>
>   </sink>
>   <source>
>     <name>out</name>
>     <type>complex</type>
>     <vlen>1</vlen>
>   </source>
>   <doc>
> /home/christian/.grc_gnuradio/</doc>
> </block>
> <?xml version='1.0' encoding='ASCII'?>
> <flow_graph>
>   <timestamp>Fri Apr  9 01:45:18 2010</timestamp>
>   <block>
>     <key>options</key>
>     <param>
>       <key>id</key>
>       <value>testhierblock</value>
>     </param>
>     <param>
>       <key>_enabled</key>
>       <value>True</value>
>     </param>
>     <param>
>       <key>title</key>
>       <value>testhierblock</value>
>     </param>
>     <param>
>       <key>author</key>
>       <value></value>
>     </param>
>     <param>
>       <key>description</key>
>       <value></value>
>     </param>
>     <param>
>       <key>window_size</key>
>       <value>1280, 1024</value>
>     </param>
>     <param>
>       <key>generate_options</key>
>       <value>hb</value>
>     </param>
>     <param>
>       <key>category</key>
>       <value>Custom</value>
>     </param>
>     <param>
>       <key>run_options</key>
>       <value>prompt</value>
>     </param>
>     <param>
>       <key>run</key>
>       <value>True</value>
>     </param>
>     <param>
>       <key>realtime_scheduling</key>
>       <value></value>
>     </param>
>     <param>
>       <key>_coordinate</key>
>       <value>(10, 10)</value>
>     </param>
>     <param>
>       <key>_rotation</key>
>       <value>0</value>
>     </param>
>   </block>
>   <block>
>     <key>variable</key>
>     <param>
>       <key>id</key>
>       <value>samp_rate</value>
>     </param>
>     <param>
>       <key>_enabled</key>
>       <value>True</value>
>     </param>
>     <param>
>       <key>value</key>
>       <value>32000</value>
>     </param>
>     <param>
>       <key>_coordinate</key>
>       <value>(10, 170)</value>
>     </param>
>     <param>
>       <key>_rotation</key>
>       <value>0</value>
>     </param>
>   </block>
>   <block>
>     <key>pad_source</key>
>     <param>
>       <key>id</key>
>       <value>pad_source_0</value>
>     </param>
>     <param>
>       <key>_enabled</key>
>       <value>True</value>
>     </param>
>     <param>
>       <key>label</key>
>       <value>in</value>
>     </param>
>     <param>
>       <key>type</key>
>       <value>complex</value>
>     </param>
>     <param>
>       <key>vlen</key>
>       <value>1</value>
>     </param>
>     <param>
>       <key>_coordinate</key>
>       <value>(198, 11)</value>
>     </param>
>     <param>
>       <key>_rotation</key>
>       <value>0</value>
>     </param>
>   </block>
>   <block>
>     <key>pad_sink</key>
>     <param>
>       <key>id</key>
>       <value>pad_sink_0</value>
>     </param>
>     <param>
>       <key>_enabled</key>
>       <value>True</value>
>     </param>
>     <param>
>       <key>label</key>
>       <value>out</value>
>     </param>
>     <param>
>       <key>type</key>
>       <value>complex</value>
>     </param>
>     <param>
>       <key>vlen</key>
>       <value>1</value>
>     </param>
>     <param>
>       <key>_coordinate</key>
>       <value>(412, 11)</value>
>     </param>
>     <param>
>       <key>_rotation</key>
>       <value>0</value>
>     </param>
>   </block>
>   <block>
>     <key>pad_sink</key>
>     <param>
>       <key>id</key>
>       <value>pad_sink_1</value>
>     </param>
>     <param>
>       <key>_enabled</key>
>       <value>True</value>
>     </param>
>     <param>
>       <key>label</key>
>       <value>out</value>
>     </param>
>     <param>
>       <key>type</key>
>       <value>complex</value>
>     </param>
>     <param>
>       <key>vlen</key>
>       <value>1</value>
>     </param>
>     <param>
>       <key>_coordinate</key>
>       <value>(413, 66)</value>
>     </param>
>     <param>
>       <key>_rotation</key>
>       <value>0</value>
>     </param>
>   </block>
>   <block>
>     <key>pad_source</key>
>     <param>
>       <key>id</key>
>       <value>pad_source_1</value>
>     </param>
>     <param>
>       <key>_enabled</key>
>       <value>True</value>
>     </param>
>     <param>
>       <key>label</key>
>       <value>in</value>
>     </param>
>     <param>
>       <key>type</key>
>       <value>complex</value>
>     </param>
>     <param>
>       <key>vlen</key>
>       <value>1</value>
>     </param>
>     <param>
>       <key>_coordinate</key>
>       <value>(198, 66)</value>
>     </param>
>     <param>
>       <key>_rotation</key>
>       <value>0</value>
>     </param>
>   </block>
>   <connection>
>     <source_block_id>pad_source_0</source_block_id>
>     <sink_block_id>pad_sink_0</sink_block_id>
>     <source_key>0</source_key>
>     <sink_key>0</sink_key>
>   </connection>
>   <connection>
>     <source_block_id>pad_source_1</source_block_id>
>     <sink_block_id>pad_sink_1</sink_block_id>
>     <source_key>0</source_key>
>     <sink_key>0</sink_key>
>   </connection>
> </flow_graph>
> Am 08.04.2010 um 21:15 schrieb Josh Blum:
> I added the ability to have multiple pads a few months ago. I believe that
> it works. Make sure that your git clone is recent enough ( im not sure about
> the version) and make sure that there is not this issue of multiple gnuradio
> installs (and possibly importing old grc modules).
> -Josh
> On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 1:41 PM, Christian Rohlfing
> <> wrote:
>> Is GRC able to create Hierarchical Blocks with more than one Sink /
>> Source?
>> I tried to create such a Hierarchical Block in the following way which
>> failed:
>> In a blank GRC-File, I assigned in the Options-Block ID (hierblocktest),
>> Title (hier block test), Generate Options (Hier Block) and Category
>> (Custom).
>> I added two Pad Sources and two Pad Sinks, connected them
>> (connect(source1,sink1), connect(source2,sink2)), generated the flow graph
>> and restarted GRC.
>> To test the block, I added it to a new sheet. The Block is displayed as if
>> it had just one Sink and one Source.
>> I am using GNU Radio Companion 3.3git-696-g1ae689ff.
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