Ok, so I have an input audio chunk, from DC-48KHz, sampled at 96KHz.

I want to extract 20KHz to 32KHz, and shift this down to DC (DC-12KHz).
  I think I need the freq_xlating_fir_filter_ccc() block, but I've seen
  information about how to use this block.

In GRC, what parameters do I give to this block?  The FIR filter is
applied after downconversion,
  correct?  But that filter "runs" at the *input* sample rate (prior to
decimation) correct?

If I want to grab 20KHz to 32KHz, do I tell the block that my center
frequency is 26KHz?
  (20KHz + output_bandwidth/2)?

Call me confused.

Marcus Leech
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

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