On 04/25/2010 02:04 PM, Jeff Brower wrote:
> Yes I know such positive results are a minority of the posts you're thinking 
> about.  And yes it takes patience and can
> be exasperating, but isn't that generally true of raising kids?  They have to 
> learn the hard way, and someone has to
> help them, before they can join the community and make their own 
> contributions.  For me overall, the good has
> outweighed the bad and I don't think my time has been wasted.
I guess that what's going on with me is that my tolerance level for the
clue-resistant is going down as I
  get older.  Turning into a right-ol curmudgeon.

But I want to make clear that I have *nothing* against newbies on this
list.  We all start out that way
  in a new endeavour (that's what makes it *new* instead of "old hat"). 
But the wilfully clue-resistant,
  the "entitled"--that's what drives me bonkers.  To be clear, I *enjoy*
mentoring the enthusiastic ones,
  the ones who "know" that they're without clue, but actually seek to learn.

It's the ones who believe that the success/failure of *their* project
rests not on their own experience and
  and competence, but on the willingness of others to give them a free ride.

Marcus Leech
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

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