Don Ward wrote:
Kyle Zhou wrote:

            I am playing howto-write-a-block in cygwin.
            Git trunk.


    After that, 'make' succeeded.
    But when I do 'make check', making check in lib succeeded, but
    when checking in python, it produced an error as follows.

    Making check in python
    make[1]: Entering directory
    make  check-TESTS
    make[2]: Entering directory




    Traceback (most recent call last):
     File "./", line 24, in <module>
      import howto_swig
    line 21,
    in <module>
      import _howto_swig
    ImportError: No such file or directory
    FAIL: run_tests

I just ran into this. The problem is that the directory (swig/.libs) containing cyggnuradio-howto-0.dll (libgnuradio-howto-0.dll on MinGW) needs to be in your PATH variable. This setup is done in for the main GNU Radio, but there is no analogous setup in run_tests for howto-write-a-block. I will work on this tomorrow (unless someone else does it first).

Does anyone know if OSX has the same problem?

-- Don W.

Thanks Don. That is to the very point. One correctiion: cyggnuradio-howto-0.dll is in the directory lib/.libs rather than swig/.libs
I added it to PATH in run_tests and all run well.

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