On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 5:29 PM, Catalin Patulea
<catalin.patu...@thinkrf.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to create a patch that applies cleanly onto a 3.2.2
> tarball. I would like to maintain my changes in the form of a Git
> branch.
> I can't seem to find a commit that matches up with the 3.2.2 release.
> The best I've been able to do is about 3000 lines of diff, which still
> feels quite big. Are the releases made from the
> git://gnuradio.org/gnuradio.git repo?

Current releases - upcoming 3.3 - are generated out of the main git
tree. Prior releases - such as 3.2.2 - were created from the former
subversion repository.

For a number of interoperability reasons, not every aspect of the old
subversion repository exists in the git version. Notably, you won't
find a specific commit that matches up perfectly with 3.2.2 or other
releases because those changes were outside of svn trunk.

For a different reason, I reconstructed the svn release history in git
a few weeks back. The diff should be close to the 3.2.2 tarball. You
may notice that the imported commits aren't particularly descriptive,
which is one reason not to import them to git.


The problem with this approach - or any method dependent on old,
divergent branches - is that there will almost surely be conflicts if
you plan on merging upstream.


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