Hello all,

apology if these question ever been discussed before, but i am trying google 
with no luck. 

I am following installing gnuradio on osx from 
https://radioware.nd.edu/documentation/install-guides/mac-os-x until find 
problem at the time configuring gnuradio.

It seems can't find Python.h, here's the output:

checking for python... /usr/local/bin/python
checking for python version... 2.6
checking for python platform... darwin
checking for python script directory... ${prefix}/lib/python2.6/site-packages
checking for python extension module directory... 
checking for Python include path... /usr/local/include/python2.6
checking Python.h usability... no
checking Python.h presence... no
checking for Python.h... no
configure: error: cannot find usable Python headers
bash-3.2$ ls /usr/local/include/python2.6/
Python-ast.h            compile.h               iterobject.h            
py_curses.h             rangeobject.h
Python.h                complexobject.h         listobject.h            
pyarena.h               setobject.h
abstract.h              datetime.h              longintrepr.h           
pyconfig.h              sliceobject.h
asdl.h                  descrobject.h           longobject.h            
pydebug.h               stringobject.h
ast.h                   dictobject.h            marshal.h               
pyerrors.h              structmember.h
bitset.h                enumobject.h            metagrammar.h           
pyexpat.h               structseq.h
boolobject.h            errcode.h               methodobject.h          pyfpe.h 
bufferobject.h          eval.h                  modsupport.h            
pygetopt.h              sysmodule.h
bytearrayobject.h       fileobject.h            moduleobject.h          
pymacconfig.h           timefuncs.h
bytes_methods.h         floatobject.h           node.h                  
pymactoolbox.h          token.h
bytesobject.h           frameobject.h           object.h                
pymath.h                traceback.h
cStringIO.h             funcobject.h            objimpl.h               pymem.h 
cellobject.h            genobject.h             opcode.h                
pyport.h                ucnhash.h
ceval.h                 graminit.h              osdefs.h                
pystate.h               unicodeobject.h
classobject.h           grammar.h               parsetok.h              
pystrcmp.h              warnings.h
cobject.h               import.h                patchlevel.h            
pystrtod.h              weakrefobject.h
code.h                  intobject.h             pgen.h                  
codecs.h                intrcheck.h             pgenheaders.h           

what is the meaning of "configure: error: cannot find usable Python 
headers"?the Python.h is there, and I already tried using original python from 
apple, python from MacPython, and compile manually but same result occurred. 
Above sample was taken from python compiled manually. 

please advise.

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