can someone guide me a little here please. I have a complex signal S(n) that
I multiply with a sequence P(n) of length N (the sequence consists of {-1,1}
). I pass the product into a Costas Loop to track the carrier. Btw, the
complex_input signal a spread signal spread using the sequence P(n) and BPSK

S(n)*P(n) ---> Costas Loop

Then I want to remove the carrier from the original signal which can be done
by multiplying the frequency output of the costas loop which is foptr[i]
with S(n). Is that right? I want to do this in GRC. Can someone guide me a
little here and tell me if I am understanding it right.

Will be eagerly waiting for a reply. I am not good at Communications stuff
as this is not my major but I am trying hard. :) A little help will greatly

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