On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 09:51:31AM -0600, Eric Schneider wrote:
> On Thu, 2010-08-12 at 17:14 +0200, Sylvain Munaut wrote:
> > Mmm, in the code I've read, the tx timestamp counter was different than
> > the rx timestamp counter and with different reset signals.
> This is all from memory...
> There were two clocks, but the resets should have been tied together.
> If the tx and rx clocks were not synchronized that would defeat the
> whole point...
> I do remember experimenting with a single counter.  I do not remember if
> I ended up using 1 or 2 though.  I do recall that timing was harder to
> meet with a single clock.
> > I'm looking at git://git.ettus.com/ettus/fpga.git which AFAIK it the
> > most 'official' repo I could find.
> I think that one is broken.
> > In which git is that code ? And more importantly, why isn't it in the
> > main repo :)
> It was in the old svn repo.  It seems to have been migrated to git:
> http://gnuradio.org/cgit/ets.git/tree/usrp/fpga/inband_lib?h=inband
> I'm not sure why it didn't merge into master.  Probably because there is
> not much use or interest in it.

Actually, I think it was because we weren't sure it worked and/or that
there was no test code, and/or nobody said, "hey it really works!"

It would be great to get it integrated somehow, since I know that Eric
fixed many problems.

> The main-line usrp source is now hosted
> by Ettus, so we will have to work with them to make anything official.

> > As I'd like the inband function to become mainline in the future UHD
> > support, I think it's important to make sure the code is pushed.
> There was some recent chat about that...
> --Eric S.

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