
I'll give it a shot. I studied DSP etc. in college, but have worked
mostly in pure software development, so I may be able to guess what
you need to focus on. This may be contentious advice, and I'll defer
to anyone with differing views.

The following may be a good reading order for you:

1. DSP - starting with the basics of signals & systems, sampling etc.
"Understanding Digital Signal Processing" by Richard Lyons is a really
good reference, but you can try starting off with the free online book
at http://www.dspguide.com/, and see if that is enough for your needs.
It's been a while since I've read through either reference, but I
remember they were both good, although the Lyons book is a classic.

2. Digital Communications: DSP as applied to communications...
modulation, demodulation, coding etc. Personally, I found the MIT
course ("Principles of Digital Communications I" on OCW) way too
theoretical, so you can skip that. Any of the books may be a really
good reference, but I've only read Proakis. The
http://www.complextoreal.com/tutorial.htm website may be useful too.

3.Software Radio in General - once you understand the previous two
sections, you'll see that most signal processing can be implemented as
algorithms on a stream of numbers. The details of Software Radio may
then be intuitive to you as a programmer. So it may be enough to skim
through some of the briefer references in this section, and focus on
the GNU Radio docs / articles.

If you don't need to mess with the FPGA or the hardware, you can
safely skip the Electronics  and Verilog sections. If you don't need
to deal with techniques requiring advanced RF topics or antenna design
(e.g. MIMO etc.), you can safely skip the Radio and RF design section,
although a skim of Wikipedia on the topic can't hurt.

I think http://www.complextoreal.com/tutorial.htm may be a decent
starting point for both, DSP basics, and digital communications. I
haven't gone through all the tutorials there yet, but I thought the
"Fourier Analysis Made Easy" tutorials were easy to read. Keep in
mind, I already had studied DSP previously, so it may not be as easy
for a complete beginner.

Hope this helps.


On Sat, Aug 14, 2010 at 10:02 PM, Jim <sukhoi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, Tom:
> Thank you for the suggestion, I'll give it a try.
> Thanks
> Jim
> Tom Rondeau wrote:
>> On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 10:52 AM, Jim <sukhoi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,:
>>> I'm a newbie to GNURadio/USRP, I have checked the suggested reading at
>>> http://gnuradio.org/redmine/wiki/gnuradio/SuggestedReading, but there're
>>> a
>>> lot of material there, it would probably take a year to go through all
>>> sections even if I just read one book from each section. I wonder if
>>> every
>>> section is a must read or some can be skipped if I'm not going to modify
>>> the
>>> hardware? Also is there an order by which I should go through the
>>> different
>>> sections (for example Electronics first, then Radio and RF Design, then
>>> ...). I have strong background in software development, so
>>> Programming/C++/Python should be no problem, but I know very little about
>>> hardware/radio/communication/dsp.
>>> Thanks
>>> Jim
>> Hi Jim,
>> I haven't spent much time thinking about this question before, and I
>> suspect from the lack of response to your query, not many others have,
>> either. The best I can tell you right now is to take the Wikipedia
>> approach. That is, find something to start with and move around when
>> you find something interesting or that needs more explanation.
>> Probably best to start with reading up on GNU Radio first and see what
>> doesn't make sense, then try to fill in those holes first.
>> Tom
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