I believe that the gnuradio usrp2 driver defaults to using only RXA for
the BasicRX board. This can be changed by modifying this value in
firmware for lib/db_basic.c to be "true" for the following line:
.base.is_quadrature = false,
As an alternative, I recommend trying the UHD:
http://ettus-apps.sourcerepo.com/redmine/ettus/projects/uhd/wiki The
basic board defaults to using both RXA and RXB, and the selection is
software configurable.
On 08/26/2010 03:48 AM, Cheaw Wen Guey wrote:
Hi all,
I started testing my USRP2 at a lower frequency. I have a function
generator generate a 10MHz sine wave on RX-A and RX-B.
However, I am unable to see the signal when I run usrp2_fft.py. To
confirm, I disconnected the signal from RX-A and still nothing. I can only
trace the signal as far as the signal transformer as the ADC is under the
Basic-RX board.
Is the USRP2 only able to receive on RX-A or is the board defective?
Thanks in advance.
Cheaw Wen Guey
Research Officer
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