On Wed, Sep 01, 2010 at 07:07:26PM -0600, Malihe Ahmadi wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using USRP2+RFX2400 board and trying to adapt our packetized
> communication on the board. As I understand the Ethernet does its
> own packetization on information data and we don't like that.
> therefore we are looking into avoid passing our information data to
> the board through Ethernet. We are also fine to make the
> configuration values for other peripherals on the board (such as
> DAC, ADC and daughter boards) fixed so that we still can get away
> with no Ethernet interface.  so we are interested to know if there
> is a general purpose input bus (at least 5 pins) that I can use to
> pass my data serially to the FPGA.

The MICTOR debug connector, J301, has 32 uncommitted pins and 2 clks.
It's currently configured as an output, but you can use it for whatever
you like.  Look in u2_rev3.v and/or u2_core.v.

   output [31:0] debug,
   output [1:0] debug_clk,

> That means I would like to see if
> it is possible to remove all the Verilog codes in FPGA related to
> handling the Ethernet interface and get the data I'd like to process
> through a general purpose input bus (at least 5 pins for clock and
> serial data input and 3 handshaking signals) instead of Ethernet
> port. For that reason, I need this general purpose bus to be
> physically accessible on the board so that I can connect them to a
> digital signal generator. Do you have any suggestion/recommendation
> for me?
> Thanks,
> Malihe


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