First mistake: the 2rx 0tx doesn't actually work (or I'm too stupid to make it 
work :)  I'm using the default 2rx 2tx config, and the usrp_std module is now 
responding to input, although it's not showing me what I want yet.

Has anyone else had experience writing test benches for the full chip?


----- Original Message ----
> From: Nelson Costa <>
> To: gnu radio discussion <>
> Sent: Thu, September 2, 2010 8:14:16 AM
> Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] More test bench stuff with usrp_std
> Hi all, 
> I'm trying to modify the test bench provided with the standard USRP verilog 
> to work with the latest version of the usrp_std module.  I'm using the 2rx 
> 0tx 

> config.  
> My problem is that I don't think I'm initializing the usrp_std module 
> properly; 
> I'm not sure of the order of events that should happen to start getting data 
> of the module.  I can never get it to assert the usbrdy[1] signal, and thus 
> it 

> never has data ready .  Here are the highlights of what I do: 
> I create a usb, adc, and master clock:  (default time unit is ns)
> always #16 clk_120mhz = ~clk_120mhz;  //1/16ns = 62.5MHz (?)
> always #60 usbclk = ~usbclk;     //1/60ns = 16.67MHz (what does FX2 give us?)
> always #16 adclk = ~adclk;      // 1/16ns = 62.5MHz 
> I start generating adc data
> always @(posedge adclk)  adc1_data <= #1 adc1_data + 1;
> always @(posedge adclk)  adc2_data <= #1 adc2_data + 1;
> I (think) I reset the rx and (presumably non-existent) tx chains: 
>  #1000 
>  send_config_word(`FR_MASTER_CTRL,32'hc);      //TX, RX reset
> I then set up what I think are the pertinent registers to get the rx chains 
> going: 
>  #1000
>  send_config_word(`FR_MASTER_CTRL, 32'h2);      //RX enable
>  send_config_word(`FR_RX_SAMPLE_RATE_DIV, 32'h2);    // 128e6/64e6 = 2 
> divisor 

> (closest!) 
>  send_config_word(`FR_DECIM_RATE, 32'h1);      //decimation rate = 1
>  send_config_word(`FR_RX_FREQ_0, 32'h0);      //ddc center freq, rx0 = 0
>  send_config_word(`FR_RX_FREQ_1, 32'h0);      //ddc center freq, rx1 = 0
>  send_config_word(`FR_RX_PHASE_0, 32'h0);      //ddc phase acc word
>  send_config_word(`FR_RX_PHASE_1, 32'h0);      //ddc phase acc word
>  send_config_word(`FR_RX_MUX, {12'h0, 2'h3, 2'h3, 2'h2, 2'h2, 2'h1, 2'h1, 
> 2'h0, 
> 2'h0, 1'b1, 3'h0}); 
>                     //rx mux set so that DDCn gets ADCn, complex samples 
>  send_config_word(`FR_RX_FORMAT, {21'h0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 5'hf, 4'h0}); //set rx 
> format control register: 16 bits, want Q
> I can see in ModelSim that the serial data is banged in properly.  However, I 
> get no joy.  The usrp_std module simply never spits anything out.  The 
> burst_usb_read() task included with the test bench code waits for usbrdy[1]  
> to 
> be asserted, but it never does.  I've already tried to set the OE and RD 
> inputs 
> to see what happens, but nothing does. 
> Any input would be greatly appreciated. 
> Nelson.
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