Hi William,

   thank you very much for your answer. I don't really like Linux because it 
many problems. As I'm writing you this message I'm installing Ubuntu on a 
VirtualPC, everything was OK, but when files were copied to the Virtual drive 
gave me a BIG error, some I/O error while copying, so this is what I'm talking 
about, many problems and is very slow compared to Windows. 

    Anyway I will try to install some older versions, maybe I will have some 
luck to install it.

    I would like to make the biggest part by myself, not using LabView or 
and neither Linux. What I would like to do is to use Windows environment, to 
install GNU Radio, emulate python in a OOP environment, meaning -> execute 
scripts in a software and get out data. I don't want to use USRP and GNU Radio 
to see waveforms (only at the begining when I will try it out and when I will 
write the script), I want to transfer data, to communicate with other wireless 
devices, etc. I want to use it in the practical side to transfer data, if I 
could get 2 bytes of data from a wireless device using microcontroller it would 
be heaven. This is the hardest part, to transfer my first byte of data, after 
tha I could make some nice things, nice systems.

    Thank you very much for your answer and I would be very happy to receive 
idea from anybody.

Best regards,
Sam Evans.

From: William Cox <wc...@ncsu.edu>
To: Sam Evans <sam_evans1...@yahoo.com>; GNU Radio Discussion 
Sent: Thu, September 2, 2010 6:50:50 PM


Coming from a Windows user, I have to say that switching to Ubuntu was 1) 
extremely easy and 2) greatly accelerated my understand and ability to use 
GNURadio/USRP - mainly because I could use the GRC, which is a Labview-like 
graphical interface to GNURadio and USRP.
I'd *highly* recommend giving it a shot first, at least to learn with, before 
trying Windows development.
That's my 0.02. YMMV.

Also check out the Simulink libraries - I think they're linked from Ettus.com


On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 5:36 PM, Sam Evans <sam_evans1...@yahoo.com> wrote:

Hi everybody,
>    I would like to ask some questions regarding USRP. I really need some 
>I got my USRP with a WBX and LP0410. I work on a computer running Windows XP. 
>After I read many thing about how to install the GNU Radio in Windows 
>environment I could install it using MingW. 
>    I used the gnuinstall.py python script like many others but when I tried 
>run my first script in python I got an error message ImportError: No module 
>named gnuradio. I don't know what is the problem, the gnuradio is installed, 
>latest one GNU Radio 3.3.0.
>    Could anybody help me with some ideas, how to make it work, and what I'm 
>    The second question would be. I would like to use the GNU Radio for a real 
>application. I want to make a .NET application with Delphi Prism and to be 
>to get data from USRP an set data. There are many informations out there to 
>emulate python (there are even DLL files) to be able to run python scripts 
>a .NET application. What I want is to exchange data with some devices running 
>2 ISM bands (433 and 868). I will make an application with Visual Studio 2010 
>and I would like to be abel to read data through python script, interprete 
>and display in the form as some value or a therometer showing the value sent 
>a device. Wireless devices will have ASK, OOK modulation, some simple stuff. 
>Anybody have made something like this and could help me to start it, I'll make 
>all the work but I need some help from those who already made something like 
>    Do you have any other idea how could I implement this, what other solution 
>do exists? A alternative would be to use LabView but there are problems, too. 
>documentation or some help. It would be very good to have some DLL files that 
>would implement functions and interface to the USB data, but even if I was 
>searching for a long time, I couldn't find anything.
>    I'm opened to any suggestion, because right now I'm stuck, I don't have 
>    Thank you very much for any idea. I wish everybody a nice day.
>Best regards,
>Sam Evans.
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