On Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 04:57:26PM -0400, Andrew Ge wrote:
>  Eric,
> Many of us are deeply grateful to you for what you have contributed
> to GNU Radio development, Q/A, and maintenance. Without your pioneer
> work, commitment and dedication, GNU Radio would not be like what we
> have today (this applies also to a few other folks you mentioned in
> your announcement). As far as I know, many many people, particular
> students all over the world,  have benefited greatly from your work.
> Twenty years after SDR was proposed, it is still hard to find low
> cost and relatively good performance SDR software packages and
> platforms. It's you, Matt, and a few others who have changed the
> landscape. Taking this opportunity, I'd like to show my gratitude to
> you folks.
> I have personally worked with Tom Rondeau. Even though it was just a
> few months in 2007, I was able to find out that he is smart,
> skilled, dedicated, and passionate about SDR R&D. Since then, Tom,
> as I have observed,  has been continuously contributing greatly to
> GNU Radio development. His philosophy about open source project
> combined with his knowledge and skills, I believe, will enable him,
> together with this community,  to drive GNU Radio  to  new levels.
> I hope that, after stepping down as the "Maintainer",  you will have
> more time for other things that you like to do in your life.
> Best regards,
> Feng (Andrew) Ge, Ph.D.
> Senior Research Scientist
> Telcordia Technologies, Inc.

Thanks for the kind words!


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