On Sep 17, 2010, at 3:44 PM, Josh Blum wrote:

> This could very well be underflow on the tx or overflow on the rx. Are you 
> seeing Us and Os printed to stderr while running?

Ah, I forgot to mention that nothing is printed to stderr, nor to the UART.

> I suggest:
> 1) reduce the sample rate to see of that fixes or reduces the problem

It reduces the frequency of the glitches, but they're still there even at 
250,000 sps. Suppose it's related to the amount of data?

> 2) isolate the problem as either an rx or tx problem

Do you think a tx problem could cause these scope results? I'm a software guy, 
but my analog colleagues suspect the rx. The png is at 

> 3) if this in linux, make sure you have enabled a large rx buffer

500000000 bytes send and recv.


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